Oldshots Multimedia HD - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Oldshots Multimedia HD After Effects Project
After Effects CS4 CS5 | 1280x720 | 73 Mb
This great (I hope so…) project template (After Effects CS4 HD) comes with a duration of 3 minutes, 32 media placeholders and numerous texts placeholders. I hope this one could be great to make a classy, comfortable and impressive presentation with your own media (photos, videos…).
There is a sepcial effect (FX: dust, vertical jitter or flicker) you don’t like for one or several media; no problem, with one click enable or disable this media by media.
You prefer a shorter presentation; no problem, thans to its structure, get your ideal presentation into seconds…
You want to adjust the preset applied to the displayed media; esay, just open a global composition (explanations in the PDF Help file), make your modifications and they will be automatically applied to all the media of the project.
This project was made with great care for all the details. It has a strong and modular structure. Thanks to this structure (an the detailed PDF Help file >12 pages), the customization will be very easy and fast.
This structure allows to easily duplicate a scen and add it to the ready-to-render comp. or to replace a scene with another one….
No plug-in required.
CC Cycore FX plug-ins coming with the full AE versions needed (since 5 and 5.5, trial versions doesn’t include these).
Info: http://videohive.net/item/oldshots-multimedia-hd/180021
Download - From Prefiles.com

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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