Voyager - Projects for After Effects (VideoHive)
Voyager - Projects for After Effects (VideoHive)
After Effects Version CS4, CS5 | 1920x1080 | mov, psd, Tutorials | 990 mb
The pre render version is now available in the main zip.
The driven flare maps are can be customized with the standard flare.
- Bug fixed:
Duplicate maps in titles and gadgets are now deleted.
A more comprehensive destination map comp will represent your destination in titles and gadgets.
Voyager is a travel/holiday/photography after effects CS4+ template.The project have a modular structure, of 40 place holders , easily retime your entire gallery or a single place holder duration. Easily replace your medias and titles, choose from different unique transitions,and gadget to display your best pictures & video.
HD preview here
- 40 full HD Place holders
- 40 lower titles ready
- 7 custom transitions
- 30 gadgets ready
- Modular structure.
- 11 Countries & Continents map ready
- Clouds time lapse footage included
- One separate comp with alpha channel after the landing scene.(insert you footage or picture)
- 4 separate comps for 10,20,30 and 40 place holders. Each comp have their output module in the 4 most common render presets render ready to go.
- The Expression universalizer script as been ran.Open the project in your language without error
- Space scenes are pre render in H264.
- How to replace images and text.
- Manage and retime the gallery
- Create your own map
- Swich to your custom landing image
Total duration 40 minutes. (Only 2 tuts included due to limitations of envato MB upload.Full tuts and HD version on
- Zoom city and landing clouds footage included.
- Gallery pictures and footage are NOT included.
Soundtrack background is from sound-tricks at audio jungle:
Sound FX are free if you buy the background soundtrack from AJ: space loop background
Contact the author after purchasing the file and ask for the free sound FX:
Sound FX are in a separate track. Plus you will have over 25 separate soundsFX in order for you to create your own custom sound transitions sound if you wish.
- Nasa sounds are free to use under the licence agreement. Link to Nasa sounds here
- Free Fonts From Dafonts:
- DS-Digital,Digital 7,Geobats
- Other fonts: Arial, Helevetica Neue LT Std.Myriad Pro,Ocr A std.
- Full HD 1080p
- Small HD 720p
Full Version of After Effects CS4+Cycore FX installed
Optical Flares.
Pre render version avaible
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TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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