Expresso Father's Day 02 - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Expresso Father's Day 02 - After Effects Project (Videohive)
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 15 Mb
Father’s day is coming! it’s time to express how much you love him in a funny and minimal way. Put all in a colored and joyful mood! It can also be used for whatever special event/person you want to celebrate: birthday, friendship, loved one, etc.
This template is made with After Effects CS4 and has 5 placeholders for your texts, and one for your logo o photo. It doesn’t require any kind of third-party plugins and it’s totally user friendly: you can easily change bg colors with colors’ control. Moreover it has a modular structure, so you can add unlimited texts’ comps.
Extra additional icons are included to change the background’s look: in this way you can personalize the template for your father/mother’s day greetings, a friend or a loved one. (9 background are ready to be used).
Other shapes (that contains the texts) are included to give a different mood to your texts.
Main features:
- Full HD native resolution (1920×1080), 25fps.
- CS4 project and above.
- Duration : 15 sec.
- Modular structure.
- No third-party plugins required.
- Easy to customize.
- Step-by-step instructions included (pdf file) to customize text, change colors/shapes/bg, put photo and change resolution.
- Photo used in the preview is not included.
- Music used in the preview is not included.
- free font used : Amatic.

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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