Labels 3 (Aescript)
Labels 3 (Aescript)
3.0 (Current version) - Apr 28, 2018
Compatibility: After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
Take full control over Label Colors.
- Shareable Label Themes,
- Script Launcher,
- Set / Reset label colors,
- Select label groups,
- Filter used / unused label colors,
- Works with Composition and Project Items,
- Supports custom label colors.
Labels allow you to easily set label colors and select label groups with a single click.
Select a layer or an item and pick a color. Or better yet, select bunch of layers and apply same label color to all of them. If the selected layer has a source, or an item is used in composition, you can set the same label to both of them at once.
Labels has an easy way to filter through label colors so you can quickly see which labels are used in the composition you are working on.
Use mouse and keyboard combination to select a group of layers or items that have same label color. With a different keyboard combo you can append to selection, select everything except current label color or remove label from selection.
Label Themes brings power to After Effects to switch Label Colors at any time without the need to restart application. Try different label colors, assignments, and save them to file to share with the team.
Similar to KBar or Tool Launcher Labels 3 can be used as a script launcher. Simply assign custom keyboard key and set a path to the script and click on swatch to execute the script. This option opens a gateway to extend Labels functionality and build upon what’s already implemented in the script.
Grab Themes and Snippets on the bottom of the page to give your timeline a facelift.

- Filter (F) - shows witch labels are used in the current composition or the project panel. Alt+Click will filter unused ones,
- Back (B) - brings back all available color swatches to UI,
- Reset (X) - resets label color to default,
- Settings (S) - opens up Settings window to set theme and customise keyboard combination,
- Label Theme - a list of installed label themes. Create your own theme by saving/exporting your setup and sharing it with a team. Label Colors/names/assignments are transferable with themes file.
- Swatch size - if enabled, then swatch size is fixed, otherwise it's dynamic,
- Set / Reset color - keyboard shortcut (+ click) to set label color for selected layer or item,
- Affect layer & item - if layer has a source or an item is used in composition, then they both get same label color at once,
- Select layers/items - select layers in composition or items in project panel that have current label color,
- Append to selection - add current label color to collection of selected layers,
- Select all except - select all layers or items except the ones that have current label color,
- Remove from selection - removes current label color from collection of selected layers.
- Open Swatch Editor - opens modal window to edit label color and name.
- Open Custom Shortcuts Editor - opens interface to extend Labels functionality by hooking custom script snippets to keyboard shortcuts.
- Copy Color To Clipboard - copies labels HEX color to clipboard.
- Create Shape Layer - creates a full sized Shape Layer and sets Fill color label color,
- Create Solid Layer - creates a full sized Solid Layer and sets its source color label color,
- Group Layers - groups all layers with same label color together underneath the topmost layer with that color,
- Parent Layers to Null - parents all layers with the same label color to a null,
- Push Layers Back By One - push layers with this label to the bottom of the layer stack one by one,
- Push Layers Up By One - pushes layers with this label to the top of the layer stack one by one,
- Shy Everything Except toggles 'solo' property of all layers that do not match given label color in composition,
- Toggle Shy - toggles 'shy' property of all layers with given label color in composition,
- Toggle Solo - toggles 'shy' property of all layers with given label color in composition.
David Arbor theme

Generic Color Game Palette v16 CGP by Arne Niklas Jansson

Material theme based on Google Material Design

Paul Conigliaro ( @Conigs ) theme

Pico-8 Game Console Palette by Lexaloffle

Ryan Summers ( @Oddernod ) theme with custom Label Assignments

- Older theme files are not compatible with Labels 3,
- Please investigate default script snippets or head over to GitHub to learn how to harvest Labels API and build your own extensions.
3.0 (Current version) - Apr 28, 2018
- Exposed API to expand Labels functionality.
- Support for custom keyboard shortcuts to execute external scripts.
- Can edit Label color and name via Labels UI.
- Settings window now shows theme designer and URL (if applicable).
- Checkbox to disable keyboard shortcut.
- New Licensing framework
- Codebase rewritten from scratch.
- Shareable themes use new format. Older themes are not supported.
- Keyboard shortcuts use Input fields instead of Dropdown list.
- Label names now show up correctly in AE CC2018.
- Visual separator between swatches in main UI.
- Minimum swatch size in UI - panel now scales to as little as 1px per swatch.
- Control “Swatch Size Mode (fixed/auto)” in Settings window. Now always defaults to Auto, unless “Fixed Swatch Size” is enabled.
- Notification when switching themes from “Custom” to any other in the list.
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TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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