GEOlayers 2 (v1.2.4) Plugin for After Effects
GEOlayers 2 (v1.2.4) Plugin for After Effects | 6 Mb
1.2.4 (Current version) - Jan 30, 2018
GEOlayers 2 lets you browse and animate maps directly in After Effects.
It connects After Effects to imagery tile servers for up-to-date maps. It also provides direct access to all kinds of geospatial features of the world. Like this you can easily draw buildings to After Effects shape layers, highlight certain country borders, streets, lakes, rivers, places, label regions, animate routes, extrude buildings... whatever you’ll need.

GifGun - Plugin for After Effects
GifGun - Plugin for After Effects
1.6.2 (Current version) - Oct 31, 2017 | 1 Mb

RubberHose 2 - Plugin for After Effects
RubberHose 2 - Plugin for After Effects | 1 Mb
What is RubberHose?
Think of it as a quick way to remove a lot of the technical overhead from the animation process to allow you to really focus on character. The simplicity of RubberHose is now faster, more open and bigger than just Shape Layers.
Connect layers from Illustrator and Photoshop into two new stretchy rigs –RubberPin and RubberRig. Style hoses unlike ever before (tapered hoses hallelujah). Major speed updates and keyframe baking let you work faster.

Wayfinder - Plugin for After Effects
Wayfinder [1.0 (Current version) - Sep 28, 2017]- Plugin for After Effects | 1 Mb
Wayfinder allows you to attach and guide artwork along shapes layers... even complicated or animated ones! Download the free trial today.

ExpressionUniversalizer 3 - Plugin for After Effects
ExpressionUniversalizer 3 [3.0 - Sep 21, 2017] - Plugin for After Effects | 1 Mb
Make your projects compatible with After Effects running in any language
Automatically converts the expressions in your projects so that they are compatible with After Effects running in any language. If you are an After Effects template author or create projects for international clients you've certainly run into the situation where your expressions break on your client's machine. This is where ExpressionUniversalizer will come to the rescue! Just run it with one click on your projects before you post or send them and they will be guaranteed to work!
ExpressionUniversalizer 3 has the most robust and tested expression parsing engine available. This means it will successfully universalize 99.9% of all expressions. No more exceptions or special cases. Just run it on your project and that's it!
**IMPORTANT** The only consideration is that you need to run the Universalizer in the same language as the expressions are written. For example, if your expressions are written in German then you need to have After Effects running in German when you run the Universalizer. Once the project has been translated or "universalized" it will be able to be opened in any language and the person using your project or template will not need Universalizer on their machine.

bq_Shape Layer Navigator (v1.2) - Plugin for After Effects
bq_Shape Layer Navigator (v1.2) - Plugin for After Effects
After Effects CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | 1 Mb

Tracker Master - Plugin for After Effects
Tracker Master - Plugin for After Effects | 1 Mb
After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6

Lazy - Layer Easer (v1.0.1) Plugin for After Effects
Lazy - Layer Easer (v1.0.1) Plugin for After Effects | 1 Mb
Lazy allows you to distribute your layers or keyframes along a bezier curve across your After Effects timeline. By combining the intuitive graph editor with layer sequencing, designers are able to offset their layers and keyframes along bezier curves. This is perfect for text animation, transitions, and endless other animation creations.

Videohive Carousel Creator
Carousel Creator 19161157 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Scripts
Add-on Files Included jsxbin | 75 Mb

Videohive Particle Graphy Studio
Particle Graphy Studio 18522966 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Scripts
Add-on Files Included jsxbin | Works in ( Windows and Mac ) AE:CS6-CC-CC2014 | 1.2 Gb

Videohive Glitch Tool Kit
Glitch Tool Kit 13924284 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No Plugin | 1920x1080 | 36 Mb

mLogo4 - Logo Animation Plugin for FCPX and Apple Motion 5 (MotionVFX)
mLogo4 - Logo Animation Plugin for FCPX and Apple Motion 5 (MotionVFX)
mLogo4 is a collection of 30 + 2 high quality logotype animations designed to be used within Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5. Just drag your logo, change the colors and you are ready to rock!
Logo is the main tool of promoting your company’s or organisation’s instant public recognition. It is this plain sign that creates the most recognizable and memorable experience associated with your enterprise.

Pixel Film Studios - FCPX Effect & Plugin Bundle
Pixel Film Studios - FCPX Effect & Plugin Bundle
Plugin format: .pkg, .dmg | Footage: MOV ProRes 1920x1080 23.976 fps | 56.7 Gb
Publication Type: OS X Software
Release took place: 2013
Supported OS: OS X 10.6.8 or later
Developer: Pixel Film Studios
Big collection of different, professional effects and plug-ins for Final Cut Pro X. Simply drag the desired effect on your pictures and change the settings to your liking.

Digital Film Tools Plugin Bundle (July 2014) for After Effects (WiN64)
Digital Film Tools Plugin Bundle (July 2014) for After Effects WiN64 | 305 MB
Composite Suite Pro features a well rounded collection of visual effects plug-ins that were previously only available in-house at a Hollywood based feature film effects facility. Tested in the rigors of everyday production, Composite Suite Pro provides all that is needed to combine multiple images by utilizing compositing tricks and techniques, color correction, blur, grain, matte manipulation, lens distortion, lighting effects and edge blending.