CRT Fonts - Pro 4K - Ezra Cohen
Free Download CRT Fonts - Pro 4K - Ezra Cohen
800+ characters meticulously scanned on real CRT tech. All the authentic pixel and scan line texture, chromatic aberration, and luma glow... with none of the time suck or price tag.
10 Font Styles (800+ unique characters)
Uppercase + Lowercase / Solid + Outlined
Drag & Drop
Compatible with all software
No plug-ins needed
From film textures to VHS to those little design details that add intricacy and interest, I’m always on the lookout for ways to add something unique to my projects. And lately there’s been no doubt in my mind that the new wave of retro texture is all about CRT.
The image produced by a CRT monitor is intricate. From the pixel texture and scan lines to chromatic aberration and organic luma glow, there’s just nothing quite like the real thing.
Trying to replicate with effects presets may get you close. But there’s just no substitute for the real thing. The only problem is... The process of recording videos through CRT is expensive and takes a LOT of time to get right.
When I saw that my new friend (and student of the Tour Visuals Masterclass) Fred Pelletier was working on a pack of legit CRT fonts, I knew I had to reached out and partner on this release.
Fred has taken on the task of individually scanning more than 800 characters - reframing, color correcting, and organizing everything so you can focus on creating. Wether you’re working on a title scene or doing a full motion design sequence, you can skip the time consuming labor and get straight to actually creating the look you're going after.
Bypass the need for an expensive 50 pound CRT setup. Thanks to its easy to use modular design, CRT-Fonts allows you to create stunning analog titles in just a couple clicks.
You can browse the pre-organized folders and choose the font style / weight for your project. Then drag them into the timeline of your editing software of choice and put the blending mode to Screen. As simple as that!
You can also easily customize the text styles like you would with any other font while still preserving the analog texture baked in each letter (Colors, different fonts combinations, distortion effects etc..)
10 Font Styles (800+ unique letters)
Drag & Drop
Compatible with all software
No Plug-ins needed
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