Videohive College Lower Thirds // School Lower Thirds
College Lower Thirds // School Lower Thirds 14931430 Videohive - Premium After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | No plugins | Resizable | 3 Mb
This AE Minimal Lower Thirds CS5 cinematic project is perfect for: Any kinds of Education Presentation: college student, college life, college style, college francais, college logo, College Weekly, Areas Of Study, About Us – The College Board, The College Struggle, Berry College, Clinton Community College, History & Traditions college, Best Colleges, The College Board, Harvard College, Wellesley College, Amherst College, Williams College, Smith College, Davidson College, college rules, g college, college am, college of europe, college confidential, g college 9, collegehumor, college football, collegehumor originals, college students, college cooking, education university, higher education, education clipart, education png, education background, #Education, Autodesk Student Community, Patient Education, The Challenge of Education, The Right to Education, Education to employment, About Discovery Education, TV Special, Education & Family, Education news, Your Diplom from, Alphabet Formation, education topic, education essay, education is important, education in britain, education city, education first, educational, educational video, educational cartoons, educational apps, education in great britain, student graduation, happy student, student icon, university student, Student Aesthetics, Autodesk Student Community, St-student, Login to Student Center, StudentUniverse, Student accommodation, Student Link, student life topic, student of the year, student autodesk, student agency, student kaznu, students life, students show, minimal, beautiful, college, educate, education, knowledge, man, school, screen, student, study, studying, transparent, university, wall, young, courses, creative, designer, educate, education, freelancer, knowledge, learn, man, online, student, teach, teacher, transparent, writing, animation, clean, corporate, dynamic, education, elegant, gallery, icon pack, icons, line, minimal, moving, promo, simple, stylish, photo, scrolling, brand, business, company, corp, corporate, corporate video, corporation, engineering, introduction, presentation, product, service, structure, timeline, video presentation. For any kinds of presentation CS5: Also you can use it for design your own TV show or TV channel brand, broadcast package, awards, ceremony, oscar, Hollywood, magazine, app promo, mobile, store, shop, clothes, after effects templates, ae templates, motion templates, video graphics, motion after effects, video effects, online video effects, video effects online, after effects intro template, templates after effects, best after effects templates, after effects video templates, animated design, buy template, video motion, stock templates, download after effects project. Create your media gallery in 10 minutes.
Easy setup and quick customizing!
Any Kinds of Minimal Education Lower Thirds and Titles CS5!
‘Minimal Lower Thirds and Titles’ cinematic education presentation perfect for your opener, tv show, photo/video slide show or any media opener, presentation, promo, lower thirds, titles. Even special events. You can use images instead of videos. Very simple and well organize project. You can easily change the colors in just one simple step. Changing text , drop your media, audio and hit render. Fast rendering project. An elegant and simple photo gallery with parallax effect. This After Effects template is suitable for presenting your corporate images or videos as well as any business media. This project is clean and simple and contains a variety of beautiful slide designs and it can be also used to present any occasion media: college student, college life, college style, college francais, college logo, College Weekly, Areas Of Study, About Us – The College Board, The College Struggle, Berry College, Clinton Community College, History & Traditions college, Best Colleges, The College Board, Harvard College, Wellesley College, Amherst College, Williams College, Smith College, Davidson College, college rules, g college, college am, college of europe, college confidential, g college 9, collegehumor, college football, collegehumor originals, college students, college cooking, education university, higher education, education clipart, education png, education background, #Education, Autodesk Student Community, Patient Education, The Challenge of Education, The Right to Education, Education to employment, About Discovery Education, TV Special, Education & Family, Education news, Your Diplom from, Alphabet Formation, education topic, education essay, education is important, education in britain, education city, education first, educational, educational video, educational cartoons, educational apps, education in great britain, student graduation, happy student, student icon, university student, Student Aesthetics, Autodesk Student Community, St-student, Login to Student Center, StudentUniverse, Student accommodation, Student Link, student life topic, student of the year, student autodesk, student agency, student kaznu, students life, students show, college, educate, education, knowledge, man, school, screen, student, study, studying, transparent, university, wall, young, courses, creative, designer, educate, education, freelancer, knowledge, learn, man, online, student, teach, teacher, transparent, writing, animation, clean, corporate, dynamic, education, elegant, gallery, icon pack, icons, line, minimal, moving, promo, simple, stylish, business, clean, construction presentation, construction video, corporate, corporate video, corporation, lego, modular construction, presentation, promo, slide, slideshow, video presentation, work, minimal, beautiful, after effects templates, ae templates, motion templates, video graphics, motion after effects, video effects, online video effects, video effects online, after effects intro template, templates after effects, best after effects templates, after effects video templates, animated design, buy template, video motion, stock templates, download after effects project.
Simple Control
College Lower Thirds CS5 uses standard effects to create a best Templates. Lower Thirds has very simple control & effects. Files College CS5 setup and animation were made with the help of set of expressions and effects.
College CS5 Lower Thirds include:
- Elegant efficient animation
- 4K TV Monitor Bigger Screen
- No plugins required
- One click to change color
- Fast rendering
- Simple PDF library
- After Effects CS5 – After Effects CC and above

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
Videohive, animation, clean, college, college titles, education, elegant, lower thirds, minimal, photo, school, science, title animation, university
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