Videohive Smallicons - 220 Animated Icons
Smallicons - 220 Animated Icons 11454380 Videohive - Premium After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2014, CC, CS6 | No plugin | Resizable | 194 Mb
List of Icons
Ai, airplane, aqua, archive, art, backpack, bamboo, bank, baseball, basketball, bawling, bell, bill, billiards, bitcoin, blueprints, book, bookmarks, bookshelf, bowtie, box, bread, briefcase, browser, bubble, bus, cake, calc, calendar, candel, candy, car, card, case, chair, chalkboard, chart, chat, cheeze, chemistry, chiken, chips, christmas, clock, cloud, cloud & sun, cloudy & lightning, cloudy & rain, cloudy & snow, cloudy & wind, cloudy night, cocktail, coffee, death star, diamond, doc-archive, dollar, donut, drop, duck, egg, eraser, euro, eye, femail, finish, flag, folder, folder-upload, football, galaxy, gamepad, glasses, glove, golf, graph, guitar combo, hamburger, hand, handbag, hat, headphones, hotdog, house, htc one, ice, imac, image, ipad, iphone, kettle, key, keyboard, knife, lamp, layer, lemon, letter, lightbulb, lightning, lightning & sun, lights, lock, macbook, mailbox, male, map, marker, mcfly, meat, medal, medals, medecine, megaphone, microwave, milk, money, moon, mountain, mouse, muffin, new, news, night & lightning, night & rain, night & snow, night & wind, note, notepad, open letter, pacifier, pacman, paint, paper, patch, pdf, pencil, photo, piano, piggy, pill, pin, pizza, pound, printer, processor, profile, ps4, PSD, r2d2, rain & sun, rocket, rugby, ruler, save, scissors, server, settings, share, shield, shirt, shopbag, shorts, shrub, skull, snow & sun, snowlake, speakers, speed, sun, swither, sword, table, tactics, tea, teddy bear, termometr, text, ticket, timer, toaster, toque, train, trash, tray, tshirt, tv, ufo, umbrella, video, vinyl, wallet, wand, watch, web camera, wind & sun, wine, x-box one, yena, yin-yang, zippo, zoom-minus, zoom-plus.
Soundtrack by TimMcMorris.

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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