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Videohive Explainer Video Toolkit 4

Videohive Explainer Video Toolkit 4


Explainer Video Toolkit v4 ( Update 7 April 20 ) 22594089 Videohive - Premium After Effects Templates

After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | No Plugin | Resizable | 1.3 Gb

Explainer Video Toolkit 4 is result of months of research on rigging characters and 5 years of experience with making explainer videos. I’ve created this toolkit as a tool I would like to use personally while working on freelance projects. Now it is available for everyone to use.

Top priority of the template were simplicity, low system requirements and flexibility and I’m proud to say these obejctives were acomplished. Explainer video toolkit 4 is the only template on videohive which will work really well even on low end computers.

Customization of characters is as simple as possible. It is really just about dragging and dropping texture you like into dedicated texture composition. You can also create your own textures and reuse them as many times you want. No more repeating of setting the same parameters for every character over and over.

The character rig has the lowest latency possible so animating and manipulating with characters is really quick. There is not many scripts and minimum layers are used inside the character compositions.

Flexibility of the rig is insane, you can easily make very tall, short, skinny, fat or anyhow exaggerated characters. For advanced users this template can serve as foundation for all their character animations. No more rigging from scratch. Just create your own texture and animate your unique character.

Design of the template is made to keep pace with the latest graphic design trends so you can buy more illustrations and elements from any seller on any marketplace and combine them with EVT4 elements seamlessly.

Loading project files from special project panel means that you don’t have to load a whole huge file with all elements, but just the objects you need.

For beginners there are 12 short video tutorials in tutorials folder which explain everything from start to finish ( Instalation, Composing scenes, Using animation presets, Character customization, Character animation, Lip sync, Using various objects such as: Intros, Typography, Diagrams etc… ,Using Continuous Rasterizing).



  • 1000+ Elements.
  • The most flexible character rig.
  • Low latency character rig.
  • 100% After Effects! Everything is customizable.
  • 12 Video Tutorials (Average time per tutorial is around 3min).
  • 100% Vector graphics (1080p or any higher resolution is possible).
  • Tested After Effects CS6, CC compability.


Videohive rules don’t allow to share links for voiceover service used to create the voiceover but feel free to email me and I’ll send you a link.
Audio files are not included in the template but you can download them here:


I recommend to synchronize your Adobe Typekit with fonts used in this template. You can do it through AE or manually:



Free Download

TO MAC USERS:If password doesn't work, use this archive program: The Unarchiver and extract password protected files without error.
TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.

sanjrai11 By sanjrai11 Status: Currently Offline


The Script folder has a missing folder , can you please upload again?
Also, the google drive link is invalid.
Registration: 15.12.2014 | Comments: 33 | Post: 0 |
On 19 February 2019 13:52
shareae By shareae Status: Currently Offline


Quote: sanjrai11
The Script folder has a missing folder , can you please upload again?
Also, the google drive link is invalid.

Reuploaded googledrive link
Registration: 1.08.2013 | Comments: 8120 | Post: 17509 |
On 19 February 2019 15:41
sanjrai11 By sanjrai11 Status: Currently Offline


Quote: shareae

Thanks !
Registration: 15.12.2014 | Comments: 33 | Post: 0 |
On 26 February 2019 12:32
nhmelevskiy By nhmelevskiy Status: Currently Offline


Why is there no PresetEffects.xml file in the folder?
Registration: 8.04.2017 | Comments: 3 | Post: 0 |
On 11 March 2019 05:04
sanjrai11 By sanjrai11 Status: Currently Offline


Quote: nhmelevskiy
Why is there no PresetEffects.xml file in the folder?

Yes, that's the problem , we cannot use the Template :(
Registration: 15.12.2014 | Comments: 33 | Post: 0 |
On 12 March 2019 22:42
lancehalzen By lancehalzen Status: Currently Offline


The link for the PresetEffects.xml is dead:(
Registration: 8.02.2015 | Comments: 2 | Post: 0 |
On 15 March 2019 06:16
Nicolas Ortiz By Nicolas Ortiz Status: Currently Offline


Quote: nhmelevskiy
Why is there no PresetEffects.xml file in the folder?

The same thing happens to me, maybe you know some solution? Thanks.
Registration: 14.05.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 25 May 2019 13:15
naga18x By naga18x Status: Currently Offline


google drive link not working
Registration: 28.05.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 28 May 2019 07:35
abodemathew By abodemathew Status: Currently Offline


Is these After Effects template working, I don't want to waste my point.

Please confirm if it's working... Thank you
Registration: 14.07.2019 | Comments: 4 | Post: 0 |
On 15 July 2019 10:59
jasjotsingh07 By jasjotsingh07 Status: Currently Offline


Its not working, When i run the script there is an error saying Unable to execute script at line 42 File or folder does not exit,

I need my points back.
Registration: 14.11.2016 | Comments: 3 | Post: 0 |
On 12 August 2019 13:59
shekhar8055 By shekhar8055 Status: Currently Offline


Quote: sanjrai11

Not found
Registration: 8.09.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 8 September 2019 05:18
knivez By knivez Status: Currently Offline


Is it working?
Registration: 30.01.2020 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 11 March 2020 13:26
Rodrigo1986 By Rodrigo1986 Status: Currently Offline


It works perfect, I am using it in AE2019. Good
Registration: 23.08.2019 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 3 April 2020 19:24
oliv.alej By oliv.alej Status: Currently Offline


Please add zippyshare
Registration: 22.05.2020 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 22 May 2020 11:07
linoy By linoy Status: Currently Offline


google files not available
Registration: 1.08.2018 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 25 May 2020 04:12
JohnMalkin By JohnMalkin Status: Currently Offline


Some presets from "Animation Presets" not working (such as scale and etc.). For text everything works fine. What should I do?
Registration: 3.01.2016 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 15 July 2020 07:37
Yohasakura By Yohasakura Status: Currently Offline


Can Somebody put it on zippyshare ? or Gdrive ? the full toolkit with the missing script please ?

Quote: linoy
google files not available

did you find the script or not yet ?
Registration: 2.08.2020 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 2 August 2020 00:22
saddam7200 By saddam7200 Status: Currently Offline


I also tried the new premium link and redeemed point to get the link of google drive, but that link not working, please resolve it,
It's cheating.

Quote: Yohasakura

I have google drive link, reply to get it done.
Registration: 23.12.2015 | Comments: 20 | Post: 0 |
On 9 January 2021 04:49
karmadeath By karmadeath Status: Currently Offline


for those with the install problems. This is the solution.

the pseudoeffects file is in "Installation instructions" folder inside the " 2 EVT4 Main Files (AE CC2017 And Older Only)" folder.
Folow the instructions.

For those have this problem " script at line 42 File or folder does not exit"
You have to delete the number before the EVT4 Presets then paste in the AF presets folder.
Registration: 21.07.2020 | Comments: 6 | Post: 0 |
On 6 March 2021 11:17
saddam7200 By saddam7200 Status: Currently Offline


Quote: karmadeath
for those with the install problems. This is the solution.

the pseudoeffects file is in "Installation instructions" folder inside the " 2 EVT4 Main Files (AE CC2017 And Older Only)" folder.
Folow the instructions.

For those have this problem " script at line 42 File or folder does not exit"
You have to delete the number before the EVT4 Presets then paste in the AF presets folder.

Are you sure?
Registration: 23.12.2015 | Comments: 20 | Post: 0 |
On 14 June 2021 11:31
saddam7200 By saddam7200 Status: Currently Offline


If anybody still has a problem using this, just reply here I have fixed the problem in the script.
Registration: 23.12.2015 | Comments: 20 | Post: 0 |
On 17 June 2021 17:24
kalicg By kalicg Status: Currently Offline


Quote: saddam7200
If anybody still has a problem using this, just reply here I have fixed the problem in the script.

Hi, yes i have problem with script. When i run the script there is an error saying Unable to execute script at line 42 File or folder does not exit,

if you have solution, please send me
Registration: 7.07.2021 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 7 July 2021 08:43
saddam7200 By saddam7200 Status: Currently Offline


Hi everyone, i have traced and rectified all the problems you people are facing, just contact me to get it done.( Paid ) contact [email protected]
Registration: 23.12.2015 | Comments: 20 | Post: 0 |
On 1 August 2021 09:34
Rey123 By Rey123 Status: Currently Offline


Hi !
Could you please refresh the google disc link?
Registration: 16.06.2022 | Comments: 1 | Post: 0 |
On 16 June 2022 14:47


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