Abyss Creatures Trailer - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Abyss Creatures Trailer After Effects Project
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1280x720 | 457 Mb
Hi friends, this is second edition of “Abyss Creatures trailer” project file. It is great project on an underwater theme. Excellently approaches for original and effective presentation of the company or service.
- Unique project on VideoHive.net
- NEW feature: MORE LONGER duration: 1.45 minutes
- NEW feature: 2 NEW SCENES with amazing effects and modernized other scenes
- NEW underwater creatures (some creatures are very similar to flying seeds in a AVATAR movie)
- NEW epic soundtrack, which you can easily to purchase on an AudioJungle(thanks to palmtreep)
- No plug-ins required (all scenes is pre-rendered but additional files is included for those who have the Trapcode Particular v2, Trapcode Form, Trapcode 3D Stroke, Trapcode Psunami, Trapcode Shine and VC Optical Flares plug-ins and want to modify it.)
- EXTREMELY fast render (in pre-rendered version)
- HD resolution (1280×720)
- .aep files for each scene
- 13 text holders
- Amazing effects
- Fantastic world and incredible atmosphere
- Link on font downloading is included in the project
- Amazing soundtrack can be purchased on AudioJungle: http://audiojungle.net/item/darkness-of-night/60514
Info: http://videohive.net/item/abyss-creatures-trailer/133992
Download - From Prefiles.com

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
Abyss, Creatures, Trailer, After, Effects, Project, VideoHive
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