Space Flares Media Pack - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Space Flares Media Pack After Effects Project
After Effects CS3 | Resizable | 42 Mb
(NOTE: Requires After Effects CS3 or later to use. Anything below that and you will NOT be able to open the project files.)
-Z Axis compatible light flares. Real fluid 3d flare trails that move side to side and towards and away from you. Animate it to your hearts content without worrying about expressions or coding.
-Requires absolutely no third party plugins. If you have After Effects CS3 , you can use this project file and all the displayed special effects and components!
-Easy to use with the intuitive HTML user guide.
-Includes 3 unique templates, ready for you to edit as well as the above intro trailer.
-Create stunning videos with an array of dazzling special effects. Explosions, sparks and custom made flash transitions including a prism post render effect. Not the know-it-all type? Just copy and paste!
-Presented in all it’s glory, all After Effects project files with everything. Render out as much or as little as you need.
Download - From

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
Space, Flares, Media, Pack, After, Effects, Project, VideoHive
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