Videohive Light Logo Intro
Light Logo Intro 440869 Videohive - Free After Effects Template
After Effects Version CS5, CS4 | 1920x1080 | No Plugin | 12 Mb
This is stylish Light logo intro. You can easily insert any your logo. The project is very simple to use and require no additional plug-ins. In preview I used 2 versions of the music: 1. “Epic Cinematic Logo” by the author “takingaction” 2. “Audio Logo 3” by the author “leto” which is ideally approached this video. No plugins needed. Sound FX included.
Title: Epic Cinematic Logo Author: takingaction You can get it here:
Title: Audio Logo 3 Author: leto You can get it here:
There is 2 versions of projects: VH_LightLogoIntro+OF.aep – used Optical Flares effect VH_LightLogoIntro.aep – prerendered Optical Flares
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Because of some changes in the CS5 and above, some effects does not work
It is easy to resolve it.
Just select this LogoStroke layer, then go up to > Layer > and choose there Pre-compose… then select “Leave all attributes in ‘Final’ ” After that you will have “LogoStroke Comp 1” layer. Select this layer and cut a Mask from this layer or copy it and remove then. Move your Time Indicator to begin of this layer and double click on it. It will open this coposition, select LogoStroke layer in this composition and Ctrl+V (paste) this mask on this layer. That all. Go to Final composition and now it is working fine.
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