15 Massive Light Transitions Pack - After Effects Project (Videohive)
15 Massive Light Transitions Pack - After Effects Project (Videohive)
HD 1920x1080 | After Effects CS4, CS5 | 427.1 Mb
This is a collection of 15 light transitions inside of After Effects.
It gives your footage fast massive flashy light transitions with glowing sparks flying around.
Very easy usage. Just drag the ready-made comps over your footage.
Pdf help file included.
You can customize the light transitions if you like.
30 fps and 25 fps versions are included.
You don´t have After Effects?
All transitions are prerendered in 1440×1080, 24 fps, quicktime png with alpha.
Import them into Premiere, FCP , Avid or any other NLE or compositing application.
As blending mode choose screen or add.
Download - From Prefiles.com

TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
Massive, Light, Transitions, Pack, After, Effects, Project, Videohive
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