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Videohive Comics Bubbles Speech Kit
Comics Bubbles Speech Kit 15362247 Videohive - Free After Effects Templates
After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5| No plugins | 1920x1080 | 517 Mb
Comics Bubbles Speech Kit is the ultimate package of elements to create comics and comics, with about 400 editable elements, speech bubbles, text and effects of explosive words, small icons. This kit is very easy to use and cutomizer, it is the best way to create or enhance your project by giving them a cartoon or comics look. Can be used for presentations, mini stories, intros, various and varied animations !
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 1 line text
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 1 line with line text reveal
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 1 line writting caracters
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 2 line text
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 2 line with line text reveal
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 2 line writting caracters
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 3 line text
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 3 line with line text reveal
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 3 line writting caracters
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 4 line text
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 4 line with line text reveal
- 8 rectangles bubbles with 4 line writting caracters
- 10 nudes rectangles bubbles
- 10 Pre-Render nudes rectangles bubbles
- 4 rectangles Displays bubbles
(Put your pictures, videos or any format files accepted by After effects)
- 8 rounds bubbles with 1 line text
- 8 rounds bubbles with 1 line with line text reveal
- 8 rounds bubbles with 1 line writting caracters
- 8 rounds bubbles with 2 line text
- 8 rounds bubbles with 2 line with line text reveal
- 8 rounds bubbles with 2 line writting caracters
- 8 rounds bubbles with 3 line text
- 8 rounds bubbles with 3 line with line text reveal
- 8 rounds bubbles with 3 line writting caracters
- 8 rounds bubbles with 4 line text
- 8 rounds bubbles with 4 line with line text reveal
- 8 rounds bubbles with 4 line writting caracters
- 10 nudes rounds bubbles
- 10 Pre-Render nudes rounds bubbles
- 4 rounds Displays bubbles
(Put your pictures, videos or any format files accepted by After effects) - 4 Clouds with 1 line text
- 4 Clouds with 1 line with line text reveal
- 4 Clouds with 1 line writting caracters
- 4 Clouds with 2 line text
- 4 Clouds with 2 line with line text reveal
- 4 Clouds with 2 line writting caracters
- 4 Clouds with 3 line text
- 4 Clouds with 3 line with line text reveal
- 4 Clouds with 3 line writting caracters
- 4 Clouds with 4 line text
- 4 Clouds with 4 line with line text reveal
- 4 Clouds with 4 line writting caracters
- 10 nudes Clouds
- 10 Pre-Render nudes Clouds bubbles
- 4 Clouds Displays bubbles
(Put your pictures, videos or any format files accepted by After effects) - 16 Editable Explosive Texts
- 16 Pre-Render Explosive Texts
- 45 Smalls Icons
- A help file PDF and VideoHelp
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TO MAC USERS:If password doesn't work, use this archive program: The Unarchiver and extract password protected files without error.
TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
TO WIN USERS: If password doesn't work, use this archive program: WINRAR 5.50 and extract password protected files without error.
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