Videohive Global Market Promo
Global Market Promo 13832383 Videohive - Free After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No Plugin | 1920x1080 | 19 Mb

Videohive Explainer Video ToolKit : Character City V4
Explainer Video ToolKit : Character City V4 14778428 Videohive - Free AE Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No plugins | Resizable | 127 Mb
Character City v4 is a huge improvement for character based explainer video creation workflow. Not only is this pack full of great designs and elements that can be easily added to your after effects project, it contains lots of technical innovations that will simplify the workflow. One of these innovative features is the Character rig that allows you to adjust the character to your custom style easily. All the elements of the character have separate controls, including skin tones, clothes colors, clothes styles, hair styles, facial elements, etc. All of the characters use shapes designed in Illustrator that come with the AE file, so you will always be able to expand the template with your own custom work.

Explainer Video ToolKit : Character City V2 - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Character City V2 : Explainer/Animation Video ToolKit Videohive - Free Download After Effects Template
After Effects Version CS4 CS5 CS5.5 CS6 | 1920x1080 | Full HD | No Requires Plugins | 140 MB
Character City is a template designed with an explainer video professional in mind. Anyone that has engaged clients to make explainer or product video marketing has seen the challenges of creating a story, designing a storyboard and completing an animated video on tight budgets and short deadlines. This after effects template, Character City version 2 is an Explainer Animation Video Toolkit that includes an updated, improved bundle packed with:

Videohive Explainer Builder Toolkit
Explainer Builder Toolkit Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014 | 1920x1080 | No plugins | 187 Mb
Explainer Builder Toolkit is an AfterEffects template that makes a life of a motion designer easier. Creating and customizing video explainers now is easy and fast with our included UI library.
You don’t need deep knowledge of After Effects. Just find needed element and add it to your video. We are creating and adding new elements to make it ever better.