Videohive Flat Design Infographics
4-09-2017, 16:24 | Category: after effects project » Infographics
Flat Design Infographics 19610712 Videohive - Free After Effects Template
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | Resizable | No plugins | 260 Mb
Inside you will find After Effects CS6 template with easily customizable and quick to use animated pre made infographics charts. Flat Design Infographics contains: Pie Infographics Charts, Horizontal & Vertical Charts, Graphs, Mountain Charts, Call Outs, Text Blocks & Lower Thirds, Maps and Social Media Icons Package. Easy customize it and combine infographic scenes with control panel. Choose your color, change background, setup holding time, size, and, of course, change values in few clicks. Charts are scalable and made with shapes.
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