Videohive Particle Builder | Elemental Gear: Fire Sand Smoke Particular Presets
Particle Builder | Elemental Gear: Fire Sand Smoke Particular Presets 14664200 (Version 2.16) Videohive - Free Download After Effects Template
Updated 11 April 18 | After Effects Version Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | 1920x1080 | Trapcode Particular | 351 Mb
We created this tools for essential needs of motion designers and VFX professionals. It’s a particle generator and you create fire, dust, magic, smoke, sparkle, flames or glass particles in fastest and easiest way. You can give life to your still images with brush tool and create different broadcast packages, title sequences, logo reveals or photo slideshows. Works on pictures, texts, video and etc. Also authors can create templates with these different particles

Videohive 3D Scene Creator Kit
3D Scene Creator Kit 15927503 Videohive - Free Download AE Project
After Effects Version CS5 | 1920x1080 | Optical Flares | 469 mb
It is often difficult, and sometimes impossible, to film beautifully video scene in the right place and with the right actors. This template is easy way to solve this problem. By using of still images on a transparent background, you create an ambiance and add it with right characters. As result dynamic animation in beautiful style of Stop Motion. As well, you can use video and bring more realism into the animation.