motionVFX - mDusts2
10-02-2015, 03:35 | Category: Motion Graphics » Interface Effects
motionVFX - mDusts2
2k (2048 x 1152), H264, 24P | 22.48 GB

motionVFX - mDusts: 100 Organic Dust Elements
2-01-2014, 05:34 | Category: Motion Graphics » Interface Effects
motionVFX - mDusts: 100 Organic Dust Elements
100 clips | format: .MOV | Apple ProRes | 2048x1152 24 fps | 16.25 GB
a collection of 100 Amazing 2k Dust Elements - for After Effects Templates, Apple Motion Templates, FCPX, Adobe Premiere, Nuke, Smoke and any other compositing or NLE software. mDusts is a collection of 100 high quality Royalty Free organic 2K dust elements designed to be used within any compositing or non-linear editing software supporting blend or composite mode (such as Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Nuke, Smoke, etc.).