Videohive Stellar - Epic Trailer
Stellar - Epic Trailer 19755348 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5 | Resizable | No Plugin | 160 MB
This project can be used as a trailer or it can be used as a titles or opener. It fits great to any action, epic, artistic, racing, inspiring, epic photos or videos. Full flexibility and easy customization helps you to create your own stylized trailer.

Videohive Elegant Soft Particles Logo Reveal
Elegant Soft Particles Logo Reveal 15691758 Videohive - Free Download AE Project
After Effects Version CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5 | No Plugin | 1920x1080 | 124 mb
Looking on enchantingly sparkling, glowing, glittering, particles in no time leverages feelings of any viewer to a higher level of perception. Using warm colors, smooth animations, slow motion effect, different color presets, custom made audio file, this project will definitely showcase your logo with new fresh elegance and richness