Dark Glitch Opener - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive Dark Glitch Opener After Effect Project
CS4, CS5 | 1920x1080 | 151 MB
Simple,short and effective opener!
• Full HD 1920×1080
• Easy to edit
• CS4/CS5/CS5.5 compatible
• Pre-renders included.

The Lost Genotype - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive The Lost Genotype After Effect Project
CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 405 MB
An original After Effects CS5 Template in futuristic style with elements of abstract 3D DNA model. It is the best way to promote your movies, games or special events with introducing of the characters, features and extras.

Glow TV Broadcast Package - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive Glow TV Broadcast Package After Effect Project
CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 94.5 Mb

Tile Revolution Logo - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive Tile Revolution Logo After Effect Project
CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 136 MB
After effects Cs4 template Dynamic 3D tile trasition logo
- Full HD ( 1920×1080)
- No plugins required
- Easy to edit
- Edit logo , text and video
- Easy and total Color control
- includes video tutorial.

Cartoon splash logo - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive Cartoon splash logo After Effect Project
CS5, CS5.5 | 1920x1080 | 4 MB
Hello, dear colleagues!
Project features:
- Unique cartoon atmosphere
- No plugins required
- Very easy to use – just insert your own text or logotype
- Full HD resolution (1080p)
- Duration – 00:07
- You can easily change colors of elements (2 clicks!)
- CS5, CS5.5, CS6
- Music tracks is not included.

Contour Logo / Social Media Network - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive Contour Logo / Social Media Network After Effect Project
CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | 12 MB
Short description
Contour Logo features modern and energetic design combined with powerfull atmosphere. Customization is really easy – drop in your logo and hit Render. This project is made in FullHD 1920×1080 and HD 1280×720. This animation is great opener for trailer promos, video productions, presentations, product showcases, portfolios and more.
You can almost instantly use this project as an intro for your social media networks. How? I have included 10 High quality Metallic (.png + alpha) Social media icons for you to use. Select the social network, type your url and render.

Corporate Fuzle - After Effect Project (Videohive)
Videohive Corporate Fuzle After Effect Project
CS4, CS5, CS5.5 | 1920x1080 | 640 MB

Supreme - After Effect project (Videohive)
After Effect project Supreme 110512
Project After Effects Cs3 | 1280x720 | .AEP | 65 Mb

Epic legends - After Effect Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Epic Legends Project for After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 CS5 | 1920x1080 | 202 Mb
- 56 sec. of Epic opening made in After Effects CS3 in Full HD ( 1920 X 1080 px ).
- Compositons easely customized, change fonts, colors and sizes.
- 8 Placeholders for photos and videos.
- 3 options resolution pre defined, ready to render! *FULL HD ( 1920 X 1080 ) *HD ( 1280×720 ) *DV Widescreen ( 720×480 )
- No plugins required. Only the CS3 originals.
- Complete helpful instructions.
- 3 pre rendered elements ( candle fire – 4,7mb, graphics background effect – 64mb and curtains – 17mb )

Elegant Movie Clapper - After Effect Project (Videohive)
VideoHive Elegant Movie Clapper Project for After Effects
After Effects CS3 | 1920x1080 | 254 Mb
Cool and elegant movie clapper animation ( pre rendered 3d) ready for you to edit inside after effects. 12 seconds long, full HD, this could serve many uses, tv promos, commercials, web animations etc. In just a couple of clicks you can add your own videos, images, company logos etc, customize the background the way you want, change the color of the clapper etc. Video tutorial included.

Pages - After Effect Project (Videohive)
VideoHive Pages Project for After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 CS5 | 1920x1080 | 16 Mb
Well over a minute of must-have animation of your images, videos, messages and logos in the style of a ‘3D’ magazine, book or album.
Serene and inspirational, this project has endless possible uses.
Prepared at full HD (1920×1080), just swap or customize the 16 placeholders provided – add your opening and closing logo/message – and you’re ready to render!
File includes the fully-editable, evolving flourish.
Helpful instructions make all customizations easy! Change all colours, speeds, durations, lighting, shadows, particles and much more.
Pages does not use any pre-rendered footage or third-party plug-ins. All elements are animated in AE. Cycore FX plugins must be installed (included in CS3). Images used in the preview are not included. Soundtrack not included.

Frozen and Disappeared Effect Title - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Frozen and Disappeared Effect Title Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CS4, CS5 | 1920x1080 | 93 Mb

The Line - After Effect Project (Videohive)
VideoHive The Line Project for After Effects
After Effects CS3 | 1920x1080 | 49 Mb
A vibrant multi colored scenario in which a white line travels along to position the images and text. Coloured bars react to the music and color meters add to the sound display.
This sequence is an After Effects CS3 file and doesn’t require any additional plug-ins.
The soundtrack has been created specially for this sequence and you may use it freely in your renders.

Epic trailer template - After Effect project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Epic Trailer Template Project for After Effects
After Effects 7.0, CS3, CS4 | 1920x1080 | 38 Mb
Once again another usefull ressource to present your company business with a nice impact trailer. I believe This project fits for anykind of business activity field, it’s meant to be powerfull, and catchy.
Native resolution is H1080 . Project runs for 1min00 sec. Everything is fully editable from animation to colors, text, Shapes, length, anything you want to change, you can.
The project includes company title intro, Communication headlines, 10 video place holders, Keywords, Project Headlines.

Icarus - After Effect project (Videohive)
VideoHive Icarus Project for After Effects
After Effects CS3 | 1920x1080 | 16 Mb
Icarus is a 17sec High Impact 1080HD atmospheric trailer, witch provides you with a quick editing. Zip file contains PSD files,pre-rendered Form animation used in the file, and of course Help file witch explains how to modify the AE file in minutes and prepare it for rendering.
Needed plug-ins are: CycoreFX, & Trapcode Shine
Audio is not included

Dream Scence - Project After Effect (Video)
VideoHive Dream Scene Project After Effects
After Effects CS4 | 1920x1080 | 24 Mb
It is your Dream Scene. Magical fantasy trailer realized in the project Adobe AfterEffects. Very easy to use, all you need to do is write your text and insert your logo.
Trapcode Particular is used.

Particle Impacts - After Effect Project (Videohive)
VideoHive Particle Impacts Project After Effects
After Effects CS3 CS4 Cs5 | 1280x720 | 199 Mb

Pure 3D HD Displays V3 - After Effect Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive - After Effect Project Pure 3D HD Displays V3
HD 1920x1080 | Adobe After Effects CS4 | Preview: JPG, FLV, AVI | 100.8 Mb

Paparazzi Tabloid Newspaper - After Effects Project (VideoHive)
VideoHive Paparazzi Tabloid Newspaper After Effects Project
After Effects CS3 CS4 | 1920x1080 | 30 Mb
This is the Paparazzi tabloid template. It’s best for promo, product launch or any special event like wedding or birthday.
You’ll be a talk of the town with these tabloid. Act as the tabloid editor. All texts are editable, you can change the name of the tabloid, headline and everything. And also simply replace the pictures into the prepared area and render. ENJOY!

First Flight - After Effect Project (Videohive)
First Flight - After Effect Project (Videohive)
After Effects Version: CS3, CS4, CS5 | 1920x1080 | 2 Mb

Particle Effect vol.3 (3 in 1) - After Effects Project (Videohive)
Particle Effect vol.3 (3 in 1) — Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | mov, Tutorial | 347 Mb
Three themes of the dynamic logo reveal: digital space, outer space, underwater space.
Sound is included (3 wav files) Video Manual included.
Quickly and easily change size, shape and number of particles. Easy to change color. You can enable or disable the camera shaking. It is easy to change the duration.
REQUIRES plug-in: Trapcode Form. If you do not have the plug-ins Optical Flares and Particular you can use the pre-render version.(included 3 PreRender versions):
To speed up the rendering I recommend enable Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously
(Edit => Preferences => Memory & Multiprocessing)