FanDev CuteDCP v1.7.5 for After Effects
16-06-2014, 05:43 | Category: After Effects Plugins
FanDev CuteDCP v1.7.5 - An After Effects DCP Exporter
CuteDCP is a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) creation tool for After Effects. CuteDCP is an exporting (output module) plug-in which allows users to create DCPs from any file imported into After Effects and reduces the number of steps creating a DCP to a minimum. CuteDCP is easy to use and has been tested on most major play-out servers. It has never been easier to create a DCP package.

FanDev BikiniDots v2.1.2
25-05-2014, 15:52 | Category: After Effects Plugins
FanDev BikiniDots v2.1.2
Bikinidots is a plug-in package containing two plug-ins for Adobe After Effects, b_dots and b_stroke.
- b_stroke is a path stroke plug-in with a Z-depth displacement feature, which lets you to stroke your paths in all directions:
X, Y or Z. - b_dots is a dot matrix generator plug-in that creates a matrix of circles (dots). The color value of each dot is the average sampled pixel value of that area from the source image.